
Filling forms really sucks

An AI powered plugin that automatically fills insurer portals with just one click

Rekeying into insurer portals is holding you back

Brokit is an AI productivity tool that automates manual submissions through insurer portals. Enabling any broker to quote with their insurers without rekeying information.

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Fill any portal/website automatically

Our plugin works with any insurer portal from your panel of insurers, meaning you are not tied to a small panel of insurers.

Your data in your hands

Our GDPR safe system can operate without storing your client's details. You choose what we store and why. Find out more

No more copy and paste

We automatically fill multiple insurer portals with one click. Saving you from the tedious task of copying and pasting.

Upload your market presentation

We import your market presentation from your Broker Management System or your own custom pdf/spreadsheet and use that to fill portals. You don't have to change the way you work.

Online factfinders

You can create your own digital factfinders which you can directly send to your customers. The data collected can be used straight away.

Easy to use

Our plugin is designed to be simple and easy to use without requiring training. The AI does all the heavy lifting so you don't have to.


Doesn't matter what the MD says we're signing up! He's not the one that has to fill out those websites


Broker at BIBA Conference

Rekeying data into multiple insurer portals is a real issue for any broker as they have an obvious impact on efficiency. Brokit is a great example of AI technology solving real problems in the insurance market.

Anik Islam

Managing Director of Premier Insurance Services

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Want to see how we can help you save time, money and the sanity of your employees?


We're serious about protecting your customer data, from having clauses in our Terms of Service to a robust IT security system and hosting our services with a reputable cloud hosting platform

Some of the security features we have:

  • Data storage systems comply to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and all data is encrypted at rest
  • We use UK hosted servers with a well-renouned secure cloud hosting platform
  • We can automatically erase customer data from our servers within 1 hour or 24 hours of uploading
  • We are proud to be Cyber Essentials qualified
  • We also have cyber insurance cover as we realise the importance of insurance in risk management
Inspirational post-it notes
Cyber Essentials

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Upload your market presentation pdf to our platform
  2. Log into an insurer or MGA extranet/portal
  3. Simply click on our Brokit plugin button.

We automatically fill out the website for using your market presentation. Just like how Google autofills your email or address.

What insurers/MGAs does it work with?

Any insurer or MGA. As long as they have a website (portal/extranet) where you can submit risks and you have a login for that portal.

Yes. We're completely independent and we simply integrate with what you give us.

Our system is capable of importing spreadsheets or pdf market presentations. You can extract from your IT system or create them yourself.
We can demonstrate it working to you with your market presentation. Just book a call with us here

Not right now, it only fills in a single property/vehicle. But we're working on it 😊

Not right now. We do however import spreadsheets, typed pdfs, exported pdfs from Broker Management Systems

No, our tool is capable of understanding that 2 differently worded questions mean the same thing. For example "Turnover?" and "Revenue?"

We use a secure cloud hosting platform, all data is encrypted in transit and at rest and hosted in the UK.
Additionally, as we are located in the UK, we comply with the highest standards of security and data protection and are cyber essentials certified. We also have cyber insurance cover as we realise the importance of insurance in risk management.

If you've collected the right information, we can fill most of it. We can't fill what isn’t answered on the market presentation (as we're not mind readers!)

Yes. It is that simple. We do the complex heavy lifting to keep things simple for you. Book a call to see how here

You key the risk data in only once, wherever you currently key the data in. We sort out the rest by making integration easy.

Yes. We're simply a tool that enables you to fill the extranets/portals of insurers on your panel using your market presentation.
Just like how Google autofills your email or address..

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Less time spent filling forms allows you to focus on what's important

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